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a photo of a falconer with his bird

Atkins Building and Ten2 Gallery working together to support the local creative community!

Date Posted: 12 June 2020

Local art venues Atkins Gallery and Ten2 Gallery have teamed up to showcase your creative responses to Life in Lockdown

Ten2 Gallery is planning to host a physical exhibition of their lockdown canvases as soon as they can open again and the Atkins Gallery will include them in their online exhibition.

To enter the Ten2 Gallery exhibition please call in to The Art Studio, 102 Castle Street and collect your lockdown exhibition kit ( 20x20cm (8x8inch) canvas, acrylic paints and brushes set at a special offer price for just £10!) Completed entries can be returned to the art shop from Monday 15 June or they can be posted through the letterbox (if closed)! The cost of the kit includes entry into the exhibition at Ten2 Gallery plus it will be photographed to be included in the Atkins Gallery online Exhibition.

Later in the year when Atkins Building is open to the public again, the physical entries from the Ten2 exhibition will go on tour and be displayed at Atkins Building as well.

Atkins Gallery also has its own online exhibition which is free to enter with a digital submission of up to three responses to the lockdown be it painting, sewing, writing or sculpting! Submission of entries is from now until 26 June and the exhibition goes online on 1 July 2020!


Ten2 Gallery, 102 Castle Street, Hinckley, LE10 1DD https://www.ten2gallery.co.uk/

Please collect the lockdown exhibition special offer canvas set by calling into The Art Studio, Monday to Saturday between 09:00 and 2:00. Return your entry by dropping it off during those same times or put it through the letterbox.

Please include with your entry Name, contact details and piece title. If the entry is from a person aged under 16 please include their age and the contact details of a parent or guardian.

Entries will be photographed by Ten2 Gallery and details transferred to Atkins Gallery for submission in both exhibitions.

For information on the Ten2 Gallery exhibition please call 01455 636339 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Entry to just Atkins Gallery online exhibition, Atkins Building http://www.atkinsbuilding.co.uk

Please email your submissions to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and please include your name and piece title. Optional extra details include a statement about the piece, your social media handles, mediums used and the size of the piece.

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